Saturday, August 10, 2013

God's handprints

You ever walk a path that you feel like God has you on but its only until you look back do you see how amazing His timing was? Well, that has been my life these last two weeks!
 My first day in Costa Rica, I got to go and see the girls at the prevention clubhouse right before the end of their class!! I was met with a huge group hug and lots of girlie squeals!! It made the cancelled plane ride, new airline and long travels worth it.
The next morning, as I was trying to get unpacked, I got a phone call from the director of Seeds of Hope. Her husband, whom had been sick for two weeks, was getting worse
and the doctors wanted him taken to the capital to go to the hospital. Since I kinda know a thing or two about hospital, I went with them. After sleeping for 4 days in the hospital room on a small cot, we got to go home with a probable diagnosis. The last day, after many hours in the room, we were notified that he either had TB or histoplasmosis. Yeah, I loved the probability of it being TB:) Thankfully, he tested negative for that one!!! He is now two weeks later
finally doing much better!!! Still waiting for an actual diagnosis.
We got back to my new home on Tuesday evening. I was excited for the next day because I would be able to jump in with the clubhouse girls and spend more time with them. I arrived
at the clubhouse on Wed afternoon and 30ming after being there, I got a phone call. There were three girls that wanted to come be at the shelter. They arrived around 4p on Wed. They arrived with the clothes on their back. One had walls up a mile high. Another had a look of uncertainty and another was outgoing and very engaging.
Things went well for about one hour, then we let them know the rules. Well, it was then we realized that these girls had lived like they wanted and some things just weren't going to be easy.
The hardest thing was for them to give up the cellphone. Their lifeline
to the old life. We finally convinced them to try it for one week then to make the decision of whether to stay or not. They finally agreed after about one hour of debates. Little did I know, this was
to be my life for the next bit. Learning to stand strong and teaching the girls
to make good decisions.
My heart has broken many times as the girls have shared little bits of their hurts and pains
of the last years. One week after getting the girls and things getting into a
schedule, we got another phone call. Another girl needed a place. We wondered how the girls would respond. Would they love her? Would they treat her right? We talked to the girls to prepare them and my hear broke as one girl stated "how can I love her, if I don't love myself"
That night the girl arrived and
one of our girls went up to her and gave her a huge hug and started
laughing. I knew then God was all over this. Of all the girls in Costa Rica, we had girls coming from
totally different areas but they knew each other.
I love these girls!! They have stolen my heart. The coolest thing is watching them transform from the tough and uncertain women to sweet and funny little girls! They are precious.
This is probably one of  the hardest thing I have done yet so rewarding to see the changes in their young lives!
Please pray for the four of them to be a strong family
Pray for wisdom and strength as we teach them the right ways
Pray for me to grasp Spanish quickly
Pray for these girls to see Christ and want His peace and forgiveness

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