Thursday, July 18, 2013

One Week!!!

Time has absolutely flown by! It is crazy to think that at around this time, in one week, I will be driving up to my home in Costa Rica! I am cherishing every last moment that I have here with my friends and my family!!
 Last week, I said goodbye to a steady, secure job with some awesome people. It is cool to just step out in faith and fully trust God for what is next!
 Last week, I also got to celebrate my birthday! My family and I had a fun pool day. The next day, my precious girl friends and I went to New York for a last fun trip! What memories we made!

There is so much that I have been learning just getting ready for this trip! One of the coolest yet most simple truths that God gave me last week was "The Cross before me; the world behind me"
It is way too often that we let the world come first with the so many questions of relationships, money, jobs, insecurities, tv ect. and then we think of Christ. My prayer is that Christ will be central and the one that I look to first and praise regardless of what is going on!!
I am at around 50% of my monthly support! I am so blessed by those who have given sacrificially! I am also trusting God's perfect timing on the other 50%! I cannot wait to sit back
and watch Him do His thing!! His stories are always so much greater than we could ever imagine!
Please be praying for me during this last week at home. I have already said some "see you laters" and I know there will be more to come. I will not say goodbye because I will see everyone later!!!
The hardest will be my precious nephews. I am praying Aunt Recker will forever be in their memory and we will have just as much fun in 3 months
when I come home!!
Also, please be praying for me spiritually, emotionally, physically during this last week. I know Satan wants to fight in any way he can.
Thank you guys for joining me in this journey!!! It will be a road of many unknowns but I get the joy of following the Omniscient One!
If you would like to give here is the link- in the comment box just please put my name so seeds of hope will know where the money is to go!


  1. Girl, I am so incredibly proud of you for taking this HUGE leap of faith!!!, And for following the Lord and his calling on your life!!! You are leading the way for me!! I am so thankful for your friendship!! The Lord obviously had a plan for us to become friends and walk this journey together!! Wow! I can't wait to see what this next year unfolds for both of us. I will be constantly praying for you!! I love you!! And yes, the world behind me, the cross before me!!!! I will probably need this reminder daily!

    1. I love you and can't wait to continue the adventure with you! Who knows where it will take us! :)
