Friday, November 15, 2013

Lesson's Learned:

           What an incredible time back home!! I am so thankful for the time that I had with my family and friends!! There were no sweeter words than hearing my precious nephew saying “I love you Aunt Recker and I miss you”. There were also fun times with my friends as we hung out and traveled to good ol’ Alabama for a night in the country under the stars!!

My first thought when I arrived back home was how blessed a life I had! Just being able to drive my own car on easy paved roads, parking it in front of my cute little house, and walking in to a place all my own that is full of peace made me be in awe of everything I had/have! I realized how much more thankful we need to be for the little blessing in life and how exciting it is going to be to realize the little thing in the new shelter that I get to be thankful for!!

It was so amazing to be back among the people I love and have that love given it back to me! I was so blessed by the outpouring of love from all my friends!! I am once again truly blessed by the people God has brought into my life. Yet, as I have left home and arrived back in Costa Rica, God has shown me that no matter where we are…how much we are loved…how many friends we have…we have to let God fill up that need for love and friendship first and then every other person will be an overflow of God’s amazing blessings.

The letting God fill us up also requires us letting go sometimes. It can be letting go of the comfort, people or whatever else that we let fill us up. Yet, in the letting go, I have received so much more. I have received more of God, more of His adventure, more of Life in and of itself. I can have joy because my life is a part of His story. There is a joy knowing that what is happening is not because of who we are but because God was gracious to use me! The joy of seeing His work first hand!!

I pray that these girls will see God filling them up. Last night was so cool as one from our team came to the house to do a special Bible time. He played and sang songs for the girls and had them just let God speak to them and to spend time in Him. It was so precious to hear them worshiping God and praying and writing down their thoughts! It wasn't the easiest coming back, for there was a ton of transition and there still is, but it makes it all worth the while to see the girls growing in Christ! By the way, I love the new shelter and community!!! It is awesome!!!

I recently heard for the first time the song “Come to Me.” The night I heard it I just sat in awe of a God who brings us the words almost from His lips to touch my heart at the exact moment you need them. It was the perfect ending to the day.  So, I am leaving you with the words that maybe they will touch you just like they touched me!

I am the Lord your God and I go before you and stand before you and all around you. I am closer than your breath and I am with you more than you know! I am the Lord your peace.
 No evil will conquer you so steady your heart and come into my rest. Oh let your faith arise and lift up your weary head for I am with you wherever you may go.

 Come to me, I am all you need, Come to me, I your everything, I am your anchor in the wind and the waves and I am your steadfast so don’t be afraid, though your heart and flesh may fail, 
 I am your faithful strength….

The cutest nephews!! Had so much fun playing with them!

So blessed by these ladies!

Double Blessings!

To cute not to share!

1 comment:

  1. Great blog! It's cool to hear your perspective after going home and coming back. You are loved and missed so much!!!
