Friday, September 27, 2013

A Heart of Gratitude

Yes, a simple basic thought. Yet, when faced with constant drama, dissention, fights, and frustrations how do  you have gratitude. When it seems like everything is against you, how do you keep going? This has been my thoughts as of recent. I have felt so many burdens that I have started focusing on the hardships. I have never liked conflict. I have never liked drama. I don’t think I am great at dealing with it.  Yet, this is what God has plopped me in the middle of.

It is in my weakness that I boast. It is in the suffering that I can declare the Lord is with Me. It is when I am done and give it all to God that He gets the glory. He is glorified when the girls realize a fight over a simple shirt goes deeper. That their anger over a shirt, which has escalated to I’m leaving the shelter and no one loves me, is because they are hurting from past abuse and rapes. Their anger and hurt was because their moms have stated, I don’t love you and am done with you. He is glorified when the girls are starting to talk about forgiveness and how it will bring their freedom. He gets the glory when the girls make the decision to love and accept even when they are still learning what that means.  They realize that even in their suffering God has provided a hope for the future. 

So, if the girls can see that God has provided a hope of a future despite the sufferings then how much more do I get to see that in the midst of my suffering, God is working. He has me here to help these girls realize their future. To give them a God story that only He can write. God has provided me with support and with encouragement at just the right moments that I need it. He has provided me with the ability to see Him working in ways that are so beyond me. He has been so real to me in the hard exhausting days.  He has invited me to join Him. My sufferings might just be for the salvation of another soul. My life is not about me. It is about Him and His works! I am blessed not because of what I have or what I do but because of who He is.           
 He is Able. He is Enough. He is Provider. He is Love.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Fights, Lice and Fire

Sept 5, 2013
Fights, Lice and Fire


If I could have penned my first month here, I never would have imagined including fights, lice and fire. So much happens each day that I could write a story each day about the life and drama that happens. If only there was time.

The next day, after my last blog, the girls arrived back from a church camp. It was there they learned about forgiveness, letting go and of God’s love. It was so cool to hear each girl state that even though they went not wanting to know God, they came away knowing Christ personally! It was an incredible night!!

I thought the battle was over. These girls are different and life is going to be a bit easier now. Well, just as God works and has to keep working in me, so He is going to be working in the girls. Change takes time AND lessons AND experiences AND trust. My precious girls have known abuse, hurt, being let down by those they love, fear and so many things we would never want sweet girls to experience. As a result, they have each developed ways of handling life’s struggles. Anger, walls, fighting, shutting down and not communicating are their coping mechanisms.

As a result, we have had quite a few blow ups. Typical teenage drama over clothes, chores and going to school has resulted in things being thrown at me and being called names that thankfully I didn’t understand. One week, I was so discouraged. If there ever was a week of drama it was this one.  I had to hold back a girl trying to go fight another girl regarding a torn up letter and missing clothes. I had a match lit outside of my door. I had to try to break down a bathroom door that was locked and a girl inside trying to hang herself - fyi, there are no more doors in the girls areaJ- I had another girl not like her punishment of not being able to participate in the evening fun activity so she tried to light a fire by tearing up drawings and putting them under a lamp. I came away from the week exhausted and wondering, can I do this? That weekend, God came to me like none other. He kept saying your job is to rest and let me fight the battles. This was reiterated so many times in each devotion, message and even fb posts I saw that weekend. I came away refreshed and ready for what God had!

As I came back this week, ready for God to fight for me and to just rest in Him, I saw a huge difference in the girls. We have had breakthroughs on getting the girls to talk about their feelings and not fight them out. One girl, was able to report her past abuse to the authorities and stated for the first time she was able to say everything that happened to her. The freedom she felt was so noticeable! God is working. Sometimes subtly and sometimes you see it as plain as Day!

Ok, so I am a nurse. I know my way around doctors and hospitals. Let me tell you, I am so confused with how things are done here. We finally got the girls cards to go get physicals. We take them to the doctor. This includes me getting up at 5:30 to get in line and make an appointment. One hour later, I have an appointment at 11a for the four girls. One girl doesn’t even get treatment because they want to take her to the judge so she can state the past abuse. I agree this needs to happen but shouldn’t her health be considered first? They saw the doctor and were given some prescriptions. They were also given another date in late September for another exam and a date in late October for the labs and then they will go see the doctor after all that to know if everything is ok or not. In the meantime, we pray they don’t have TB or HIV or other communicable diseases! I must learn this system of many systems in order for these girls to get the treatment they need!!

This last month has been exhausting. It has been full of love. It has been full of heartache. It has been a time of learning. I am blessed that God has allowed me to be able to serve these girls and love them like they have never experienced before. Thank you for joining with me on this journey. You support prayerfully and financially blesses me beyond what you could imagine!

Please join me in praying for:

1)      The lice that each one of us has to be eliminated

2)      God to provide a car so I can enjoy and rest on my days off

3)      The girls to learn to communicate and experience  God’s love

4)      More volunteers, bilingual, to come and serve with us at the clubhouse and the shelter

5)      For the boys that have yet to be reached because there are currently no guys serving here full time.

6)      FOR WISDOM!!!